Mario Roy - PLQ 2025

Mario Roy
Candidate for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ)
You can support Mario in 3 steps:
1. Become a member of the PLQ by clicking here to sign his application form and vote for the next leader of the Quebec Liberal Party
Let Mario become the next leader of the PLQ!
To allow Mario to be an official candidate in the race, he must collect 750 signatures from active PLQ members and $40,000 in donations before April 11, 2025. All support is welcome!
To support his campaign, you must therefore start by becoming a member of the PLQ on the official PLQ website and then sign his application form, here on the right. You are also invited to make a donation by clicking here to support Mario in his campaign. You can donate from $5 to $500 for the PLQ 2025 leadership campaign. Please follow instructions to give to Mario Roy, candidate in the Quebec Liberal Party leadership race.
Finally, all PLQ members will be able to vote online from June 9 to 14, 2025! Don't miss these dates. Race details here.
Sign the nomination form of Mario Roy
Farmer, Economist, Beauceron

It is with great conviction and humility that I offer you a new vision for Quebec. I am 31 years old, married and father of two young children. Farmer in the Beauce region, I operate the family farm with several other family members. Being the seventh of a family of nine, I took over the family farm with my brother at 23 years old, corresponding to the fourth generation to establish on the farm. The business includes a dairy, pork and maple syrup production.
When I turned 16, I started to get involved in the Youth Commission of our Quebec Liberal Party as a militant by participating in activities organized at different levels. Today, I am actively involved in the Quebec union sector. During the past four years, it was an honor for me to serve as President of the union representing teaching assistants and invigilators at McGill University, called the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM), which led me to hold various positions at the Fédération des Enseignantes et Enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ) and contribute to the Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN).
Economist by training, I first completed my college program in Farm Management and Technology and then graduated from a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics at McGill University. I am currently completing a master's degree in Agricultural Economics at McGill University, hence the origin of my union involvement in education. In addition, I am part of two different boards of directors of the Union des Producteurs Agricoles du Québec (UPA), including the UPA Beauce-Centre board as well as being vice-president of the maple syrup producers’ board of Beauce. Finally, I am vice-president of my agricultural cooperative. My actions have always been based on the desire to make the society a better place to live.
Thank you!